David Huberdeau

David Huberdeau joined BLAM Lab in June 2011 as a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering.

His current research interests are in experimental and computational motor control. Together with Adrian Haith, he’s been investigating questions related to movement preparation through a set of experiments and computational models. Ultimately, he hopes to develop a theory of motor skill acquisition and see it applied to rehabilitation. As a biomedical engineer, David has an interest in both the biological sciences and in engineering, and hopes to straddle the divide that typically exists between them.

As an undergraduate student – also here at Hopkins –, David was highly involved in research and engineering projects, leading to five authored or co-authored publications, a patent application, and over $14,000 in prize money from national student design competitions.
Articles related to these achievements as an undergraduate can be found at the following links:

In his free time, David enjoys running and training for distance races, along with trying any activity that permits an opportunity to learn.